
Our Approach

Jones Healthcare recognizes and embraces our responsibilities to the sustainability of our environment and society. We are committed to continuous improvement while creating value for all our stakeholders.

We focus on three key areas for sustainable development: environment, social responsibility, and business model innovation.

Download our latest Corporate Sustainability Report, which shows how we are making progress against our focus areas, based on our Corporate Sustainability Policy.

Where We’re Going

Jones Healthcare Group is committed to reducing our environmental footprint by strategically setting sustainable targets.

Our focus areas are based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations to transform our world.

By evaluating the key sustainability issues affecting our team members, clients, suppliers and other stakeholders, we identified the 11 SDGs where we can make the most impact, setting these as priorities across our global business.

Our Focus Areas

We participate in supplier sustainability assessments through EcoVadis and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Our annual disclosure through these market-leading supply chain assessment programs allows our clients to assess our performance and risk, based on comparable international sustainability standards.

We review, measure and report progress on the following within our focus areas:


  • Climate – climate risk, greenhouse gas emissions and energy management
  • Water – water risk and management
  • Waste – waste management, recycling and recovery


  • -25% CO2 Emissions by 2030
  • Assess 100% of Sites for Water Risk
  • Zero Non-Hazardous Waste to Landfill by 2030
See Our Progress

Social Responsibility

  • Diversity – inclusion, equality and awareness
  • Health & Safety – customer, colleague and consumer well-being
  • Labour Practices – training, development and working conditions
  • Business Ethics


  • 1:1 Gender Wage Equality
  • Zero Injury in the Workplace
See Our Progress

Business Model & Innovation

  • Product Lifecycle – packaging circularity and packaging footprint
  • Supply Chain – supply chain resilience, optimization and sustainable procurement
  • Broader Impacts – value chain, capital assets, infrastructure and corporate giving


  • 100% Certified Paperboard
  • Evaluate 100% of Key Suppliers for Sustainability by 2030
  • 100% CAPEX Evaluation for Sustainability
See Our Progress

Modern Slavery Statement

In alignment with Bill S211 and the UK Modern Slavery Act, Jones Healthcare Group has introduced a Statement on Modern Slavery, emphasizing ethical standards and enforcing a strict non-tolerance policy against modern slavery in our supply chain.

Recognizing the importance of continuous improvement, we are enhancing our efforts to identify, assess, and mitigate risks of modern slavery along with ethical business practices in the supply chain through the Sustainable Procurement Policy.

We are committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, and compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and standards prohibiting slavery, child labour, and forced labour, and to measuring progress in our operations, supply chain, and business relationships, we are committed to compliance.

For more information, please refer to the full Statement, Supplier Code of Conduct and our Sustainable Procurement Policy below.

Sustainability Certifications & Partnerships

Sustainable Medicines Partnership

Jones Healthcare is a Founding Collaborator of the Sustainable Medicines Partnership (SMP) led by YewMaker. The SMP is a not-for-profit, private-public, multi-stakeholder collaboration. Through executing priority actions, SMP aims to stop the avoidable waste of medicines and medicines packaging, reducing healthcare emissions and increasing health equity globally.

Global Self-Care Federation

Jones Healthcare Group commits to the GCSF Charter for Environmentally Sustainable Self-Care. The Charter is the first industry-wide climate action resolution issued by the consumer health sector. Abiding by the Charter, we strive to bring evidence-based self-care products and solutions enabling individuals to take better care of their health and ensure environmentally sustainable healthcare systems.

Sustainable Packaging Coalition®

Jones Healthcare Group is a member of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition®. As a leading voice on sustainable packaging, the coalition works to bring stakeholders together to drive improvements in packaging systems and to provide an authoritative voice on issues related to packaging sustainability.

Women Owned

Women Owned is an initiative from the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) and WEConnect International to create a movement of support for Women Owned businesses.

Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI)

SFI is an independent, non-profit organization responsible for maintaining, overseeing and improving a sustainable forestry certification program that is internationally recognized and is the largest single forest standard in the world.

Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)

We are certified to print FSC® logos for sustainable forest management on our paperboard products for our customers. This logo helps consumers choose sustainably and responsibly sourced products.

EcoVadis Silver-Medal Ranking

We received a silver-medal ranking from EcoVadis in 2021, putting us in the top 20% best companies rated in the areas of environment, labour and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement in 2021. The EcoVadis platform has rated over 75,000 companies worldwide in 160 countries.

Carbon Disclosure Project

Jones Healthcare Group participates in the Climate Change and Water Security focus areas within CDP's global environmental disclosure system.

Science-Based Targets Initiative

Science-based targets provide a clearly defined pathway for companies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We are aligned with the Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi) 2° scenario.

ISO 14001

While the first Canadian carton converter to certify to ISO 14001, we now exercise the “self-declaration” option outlined by the environmental management system. Designed to manage an organization's impact on the external environment, all elements of ISO 14001 are built into our standard operating procedures.

OHSAS 18001

Designed to ensure a safe and healthy workplace for employees and customers, we exercise the “self-declaration” option for this system. All elements of OHSAS 18001 are built into our standard operating procedures.

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